Paper | Title | Page |
WEOYSP1 | Experiments with Undulator Radiation, Emitted by a Single Electron | 1628 |
Funding: The work is supported by the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Science, Office of Basic Energy Sciences, under Contract No. DE-AC02-06CH11357. We study a single electron, circulating in the Fermilab IOTA storage ring and interacting with an undulator through single and multi-photon emissions. The focus of this research is on single-photon and two-photon undulator emissions. We begin by using one Single Photon Avalanche Diode (SPAD) detector to detect the undulator radiation photons and search for possible deviations from the expected Poissonian photon statistics. Then, we go on to use a two-photon interferometer consisting of two SPAD detectors separated by a beam splitter. This allows to test if there is any correlation in the detected photon pairs. In addition, the photocount arrival times can be used to track the longitudinal motion of a single electron and to compare it with simulations. This allowed us to determine several dynamical parameters of the storage ring such as the rf cavity phase jitter and the dependence of the synchrotron motion period on amplitude. |
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Slides WEOYSP1 [10.952 MB] | |
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About • | Received ※ 05 June 2022 — Revised ※ 25 June 2022 — Accepted ※ 03 July 2022 — Issue date ※ 27 June 2022 | |
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WEOYSP2 | First Electron Beam of the ThomX Project | 1632 |
Funding: The present work is financed by the French National Research Agency (ANR) under the Equipex program ANR-10-EQPX-0051. The ThomX accelerator beam commissioning phase is now ongoing. The 50 MeV electron accelerator complex consists of a 50 MeV linear accelerator and a pulsed mode ring. It is dedicated to the production of X-rays by Compton backscattering. The performance of the beam at the interaction point is demanding in terms of emittance, charge, energy spread and transverse size. The choice of an undamped ring in pulsed mode also stresses the performance of the beam from the linear accelerator. Thus, commissioning includes a beam based alignment and a simulation/experimental matching procedure to reach the X-ray beam requirements. We will present the first 50 MeV electron beam obtained with ThomX and its characteristics. on behalf of the ThomX collaboration : ThomX collaboration, https://thomx.ijclab.in2p3. fr/collaboration-thomx/, [Online; accessed 19-May- 2022]. |
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Slides WEOYSP2 [80.558 MB] | |
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About • | Received ※ 08 June 2022 — Revised ※ 21 June 2022 — Accepted ※ 04 July 2022 — Issue date ※ 06 July 2022 | |
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WEOYSP3 | Operation Experience with SESAME RF System | 1636 |
SESAME RF system has been in operation since 2017 where the operational electron beam current has been increased from 100mA to 300mA since then. The higher operational beam current together with the need to have longer beam lifetime to reduce number of injections per day required higher forward RF power, On the other hand; more attention needed to be paid to monitor and tackle the current driven High Order Modes and to respect the limitation on the forward RF power coming from the solid state amplifiers. In this paper we describe the RF system and report on the challenges we faced in addition to the operational experience we had with the RF system and solid state amplifiers. | ||
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Slides WEOYSP3 [4.207 MB] | |
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About • | Received ※ 03 June 2022 — Revised ※ 10 June 2022 — Accepted ※ 17 June 2022 — Issue date ※ 07 July 2022 | |
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Low-Alpha Storage Ring Design for Steady-State Microbunching to Generate EUV Radiation | |
A new concept is proposed for minimizing the longitudinal emittance of a low momentum compaction factor (low-alpha) storage ring which has the capability to stably store sub-femtosecond electron bunches for the first time. This storage ring is designed for Steady-State microbunching (SSMB) to generate kW level average power EUV radiation. The proposed design approach can be applied to any quasi-isochronous storage rings to yield very high radiation power due to longitudinal coherence of the radiation. We obtain an optimal lattice design by minimizing global and local momentum compaction factors simultaneously and the result of single-particle tracking shows that the electron beam with equilibrium rms bunch length of about 40 nm can be stored in this ring. | ||
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Slides THOXSP1 [3.750 MB] | |
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THPOPT001 | Online Optimization of the ESRF-EBS Storage Ring Lifetime | 2552 |
In the first year of operation of the EBS storage ring, online nonlinear dynamics optimisations were performed to increase the Touschek lifetime. Several sextupole, octupole and skew quadrupole knobs have been studied in simulations and tested in the machine. A fast optimisation procedure has been defined and it is followed at each machine restart. The knobs and the optimisation procedure are described in the paper. As a result, up to 41 h Touschek lifetime in nominal multi-bunch mode have been achieved. | ||
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About • | Received ※ 07 June 2022 — Revised ※ 14 June 2022 — Accepted ※ 15 June 2022 — Issue date ※ 21 June 2022 | |
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THPOPT003 | A First attempt at implementing TRIBs in BESSY III’s Design Lattice | 2560 |
At HZB’s BESSY II and PTB’s Metrology Light Source (MLS), resonances and islands in transverse phase space are exploited in a special operation mode usually referred to as Transverse Resonance Island Buckets (TRIBs). This mode provides a second stable orbit well separated from the main orbit and one of its applications in photon science is the ultra-fast switching of the helicity of circularly polarized light pulses. In the context of the conceptual design study of BESSY III, it is under investigation how this special optics mode can be implemented in an MBA structure and how it will impact the photon source parameters. In this paper we present a preliminary attempt at implementing TRIBs in BESSY III’s design lattice, a multi-bend achromat, by breaking the symmetry of the lattice. | ||
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About • | Received ※ 08 June 2022 — Revised ※ 15 June 2022 — Accepted ※ 16 June 2022 — Issue date ※ 20 June 2022 | |
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THPOPT004 | Design of a Compact 180-Degree Single-Shot Energy Spectrometer Based on a Halbach Dipole Magnet | 2564 |
In the AXSIS project at DESY, we develop compact THz accelerating structures for a table-top x-ray source. Acceleration is achieved by passing the electron beam through a dielectric-loaded waveguide powered by multi-cycle THz radiation. The final electron energy strongly depends on THz-power injected into the LINAC and timing. Thus in first experiments we expect large energy fluctuations and a large range of energies to cover. We designed an electron energy spectrometer for a wide range of final energies covering 5 to 20 MeV in a single-shot. Here, we present the design of an energy spectrometer which uses a compact dipole magnet based on the Halbach array concept to deflect the electron beam through a 180° path intercepted by a Fiber Optic Scintillator (FOS) mounted inside the vacuum perpendicular to the beam. The 180-degree bending geometry provides the possibility of having the focus point of all energies at the same distance from the magnet edge which makes the design simpler and more compact. It also removes the necessity of installing a safety dipole at the end of the accelerator. A slit system at the spectrometer entrance increases resolution to better than 0.2%. | ||
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About • | Received ※ 08 June 2022 — Revised ※ 10 June 2022 — Accepted ※ 16 June 2022 — Issue date ※ 23 June 2022 | |
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THPOPT006 | Beam Dynamics Observations at Negative Momentum Compaction Factors at KARA | 2570 |
Funding: We are supported by the DFG-funded "Karlsruhe School of Elementary and Astroparticle Physics: Science and Technology" and European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (No 730871) For the development of future synchrotron light sources new operation modes often have to be considered. One such mode is the operation with a negative momentum compaction factor to provide the possibility of increased dynamic aperture. For successful application in future light sources, the influence of this mode has to be investigated. At the KIT storage ring KARA (Karlsruhe Research Accelerator), operation with negative momentum compaction has been implemented and the dynamics can now be investigated. Using a variety of high-performance beam diagnostics devices it is possible to observe the beam dynamics under negative momentum compaction conditions. This contribution presents different aspects of the results of these investigations in the longitudinal and transversal plane. |
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About • | Received ※ 08 June 2022 — Accepted ※ 23 June 2022 — Issue date ※ 08 July 2022 | |
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THPOPT007 | High Bunch Charges in the Second Injection Beamline of MESA | 2574 |
MESA (Mainz Energy-recovering Superconducting Accelerator) is an accelerator with two laser-driven electron sources (polarized and unpolarized) operating at 100 kV which is under construction at the Johannes Gutenberg University in Mainz. The unpolarized electron source MIST (MESA Injector Source Two) allows to produce high charged electron bunches with charge up to 7.7 pC. This source and a Mott polarimeter will be arranged on the same height above the MESA injector main beamline. A parallel shifting beamline was developed which allows to transport high charged beam from the source MIST to the main MESA beamline. Moreover, the designed beamline allows to transport beam from the electron source STEAM to the Mott polarimeter. This report is dedicated to the design of the separation beamline which transports and compresses highly charged electron bunches from the electron source MIST to the first acceleration section of MESA. | ||
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About • | Received ※ 08 June 2022 — Revised ※ 15 June 2022 — Accepted ※ 23 June 2022 — Issue date ※ 23 June 2022 | |
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THPOPT008 | Beam Orbit Shift Due to BPM Thermal Deformation Using Machine Learning | 2577 |
Stabilizing beam orbit is critical for advanced synchrotron radiation light sources. The beam orbit can be affected by many sources. To maintain a good orbit stability, global orbit feedback systems (OFB) has been widely used. However, the BPM thermal deformation would lead to BPM misreading, which can not be handled by OFB. Usually, extra diagnostics, such as position transducers, is needed to measure the deformation dependency of BPM readings. Here, an alternative approach by using the machine operation historic data, including BPM temperature, insertion device (ID) gaps and corrector currents, is presented. It is demonstrated at Hefei Light Source (HLS). The average orbit shift due to BPM thermal deformation is about 34.5 microns/degree Celsius (horizontal) and 20.0 microns/degree Celsius (vertical). | ||
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About • | Received ※ 19 May 2022 — Revised ※ 14 June 2022 — Accepted ※ 15 June 2022 — Issue date ※ 19 June 2022 | |
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THPOPT009 | Dependency Measurement of BPM Reading in the HLS-II Storage Ring | 2580 |
Beam orbit stability is essential for the operation of the storage ring based light sources. Orbit feedback systems are commonly adopted to maintain the beam on a reference orbit. However, the BPM reading could be affected by its temperature, beam current, etc, which leads to shift of the beam reference orbit. Online experiment is carried out in the HLS-II storage ring to study the dependence of the beam reference orbit on the BPM temperature and beam current. The result shows that the average change of BPM readings due to BPM temperature is about 37.4 ’m/’C horizontally and 11.5 ’m/’C vertically. The average change of BPM readings induced by beam current is about 0.27 ’m/mA horizontally and 0.20 ’m/mA vertically. | ||
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About • | Received ※ 19 May 2022 — Revised ※ 23 June 2022 — Accepted ※ 27 June 2022 — Issue date ※ 28 June 2022 | |
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THPOPT010 | Beam Loss Reduction During Energy Ramp-Up at the SAGA-LS | 2583 |
The accelerator of the SAGA Light Source (SAGA-LS) consists of a 255 MeV injector linac and a 1.4 GeV storage ring. The energy of the electrons is ramped up to 1.4 GeV in 4 minutes in the storage ring. The electron beam current stored in the storage ring is about 300 mA. At the begging of the energy ramp-up, the electron beam was lost like step function. The lost beam current was normally about 5 mA to 30 mA. To understand the beam loss mechanism, we developed simultaneous image logging system of beam profile in addition to the beam current, the magnets power supplies, and the beam positions using National Instruments PXI. It was found that the vertical beam size was growing in the step-like beam loss process. The small perturbation of the output currents of the quadrupole power supplies caused the vertical beam size growth. By optimizing the ramp-up pattern of the quadrupole power supplies, sextupole power supplies, and the steering power supplies for the orbit control, we have achieved the reduction of the step-like beam loss and total time of the ramp-up. | ||
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About • | Received ※ 08 June 2022 — Revised ※ 10 June 2022 — Accepted ※ 14 June 2022 — Issue date ※ 28 June 2022 | |
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THPOPT013 | Emittance Reduction with the Variable Dipole for the ELETTRA 2.0 Ring | 2586 |
ELETTRA is a 2/2.4 GeV third-generation electron storage ring, located near Trieste, Italy. In view of a substantial increase of the machine performance in terms of brilliance, the so-called ELETTRA 2.0 upgrade is currently on-going. This upgrade is based on a 6-bends achromat, four dipoles of which having a longitudinally variable field. So far, those dipoles are foreseen to provide a field with a two step profile. The VAriable Dipole for the ELETTRA Ring (VADER) task, driven by the I.FAST European project, aims at developing a new dipole design based on a trapezoidal shape of the bending radius, which would allow for a further reduction of the horizontal emittance. A prototype of this magnet should be designed by the CIEMAT laboratory and built by KYMA company. This paper discusses the new dipole field specification and describes the corresponding optics optimization that was performed in order to reduce at best the emittance of the ELETTRA ring. | ||
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About • | Received ※ 07 June 2022 — Revised ※ 09 June 2022 — Accepted ※ 17 June 2022 — Issue date ※ 03 July 2022 | |
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THPOPT014 | Simulation and Optimization of SPS-II Linac | 2590 |
Siam Photon Source II (SPS-II), the new 3-GeV synchrotron light source project in Thailand, has been designed based on an accelerator system consisting of a 150-MeV injector linac, a full-energy booster synchrotron and a storage ring based on a Double Triple Bend Achromat (DTBA) lattice. A turn-key linac system has been used in an injection system of many synchrotron facilities, and thus it is considered for the SPS-II project. Preliminary beam dynamics simulation and optimization of the SPS-II linac are necessary for investigating achievable beam parameters which can be used for study of beam injection through a transfer line to the booster. Multi-objective optimization algorithm (MOGA) has been used in design and optimization of many accelerators including a linac system for synchrotron light sources, similar to the SPS-II linac. In this paper, results of beam dynamics simulation and MOGA optimization of the SPS-II linac are discussed. | ||
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About • | Received ※ 19 May 2022 — Revised ※ 10 June 2022 — Accepted ※ 17 June 2022 — Issue date ※ 24 June 2022 | |
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THPOPT015 | The Design of the Full Energy Beam Exploitation (FEBE) Beamline on CLARA | 2594 |
The CLARA facility at Daresbury Laboratory was orig-inally designed for the study of novel FEL physics utilis-ing high-quality electron bunches at up to 250 MeV/c. To maximise the exploitation of the accelerator complex, a dedicated full energy beam exploitation (FEBE) beam-line has been designed and is currently being installed in a separate vault on the CLARA accelerator. FEBE will allow the use of high charge (up to 250 pC), moderate energy (up to 250 MeV), electron bunches for a wide variety of accelerator applications critical to ongoing accelerator development in the UK and international communities. The facility consists of a shielded enclo-sure, accessible during beam running in CLARA, with two very large experimental chambers compatible with a wide range of experimental proposals. High-power laser beams (up to 100 TW) will be available for electron-beam interactions in the first chamber, and there are concrete plans for a wide variety of advanced diagnostics (includ-ing a high-field permanent magnet spectrometer and dielectric longitudinal streaker), essential for multiple experimental paradigms, in the second chamber. FEBE will be commissioned in 2024. | ||
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About • | Received ※ 08 June 2022 — Revised ※ 13 June 2022 — Accepted ※ 16 June 2022 — Issue date ※ 01 July 2022 | |
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THPOPT016 | Commissioning Simulations for the DIAMOND-II Upgrade | 2598 |
The Diamond-II storage ring, compared to Diamond, improves the natural beam emittance from 2.7 nm to 160 pm and the beam energy from 3 to 3.5 GeV. The number of straight sections is also doubled from 24 to 48 thanks to the modified hybrid six-bend-achromat lattice. To reduce the impact on the existing science program, the dark time period must be minimised. To assist in this aim, storage ring commissioning simulations have been carried out to predict and resolve possible issues. These studies include beam commissioning starting from on-axis first-turn beam threading up to beam based alignment and full linear optics correction with stored beam. The linear optics corrections with insertion devices are also included. The machine characterisations at different stages are compared. Considerations on realistic chamber limitations, error definitions and some commissioning strategies are also discussed. | ||
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About • | Received ※ 19 May 2022 — Accepted ※ 15 June 2022 — Issue date ※ 15 June 2022 | |
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THPOPT017 | Orbit Stability Studies for the Diamond-II Storage Ring | 2602 |
The photon-beam positional stability relative to the beam size is a key performance parameter for storage ring light sources. The natural emittance of the Diamond-II ring will be lowered by a factor 16.7 compared to the existing ring, so the absolute stability requirement for the electron beam must reduce accordingly. In addition, advances in detector speed and resolution mean the tolerances are tighter compared to previous generations of storage rings, with a target of 3 % of beam size up to 1 kHz having been adopted for Diamond-II. In this paper we present studies of how the anticipated ground vibrations, girder motion and power supply ripple will affect the electron beam stability as a function of frequency. | ||
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About • | Received ※ 08 June 2022 — Accepted ※ 14 June 2022 — Issue date ※ 06 July 2022 | |
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THPOPT023 | Flexible Features of the Compact Storage Ring in the cSTART Project at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology | 2620 |
Within the cSTART project (compact storage ring for accelerator research and technology), a Very Large Acceptance compact Storage Ring (VLA-cSR) will be realized at the Institute for Beam Physics and Technology (IBPT) of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology. (KIT). A modified geometry of a compact storage ring operating at 50 MeV energy range has been studied and main features of the new model are described here. The new design, based on 45° bending magnets, is suitable to store a wide momentum spread beam as well as ultra-short electron bunches in the sub-ps range injected from the plasma cell as well as from the Ferninfrarot Linac- Und Test Experiment (FLUTE). The DBA lattice of the VLA-cSR with different settings and relaxed parameters, split elements and higher order optics of tolerable strength allows to improve the dynamic aperture and momentum acceptance to an acceptable level. This contribution discusses the lattice features in detail, expected lifetime, injection, tolerances and different possible operation schemes of the ring. | ||
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About • | Received ※ 20 May 2022 — Revised ※ 11 June 2022 — Accepted ※ 16 June 2022 — Issue date ※ 02 July 2022 | |
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THPOPT048 | Impact of IDs on the Diamond Storage Ring and Application to Diamond-II | 2705 |
When investigating the effect of insertion devices (IDs) on storage ring operations, it is not possible to simulate all of the large number of gap, phase and field settings that are available. This can be of particular concern for transient effects in IDs that are moved frequently, or APPLE-II devices which may use many different polarisation states. We therefore present measurements of the impact of selected IDs on various parameters in the current Diamond storage ring including orbit distortion, tunes, chromaticity and emittance, and assess the expected impact when applied to the Diamond-II lattice. | ||
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About • | Received ※ 07 June 2022 — Revised ※ 13 June 2022 — Accepted ※ 16 June 2022 — Issue date ※ 28 June 2022 | |
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