FRIXSP —  Invited Orals: Accelerator Technology   (17-Jun-22   09:00—09:30)
Chair: T. Pulampong, SLRI, Nakhon Ratchasima, Thailand
Paper Title Page
FRIXSP1 Low-Emittance Compact RF Electron Gun with a Gridded Thermionic Cathode 3124
  • T. Asaka
    JASRI/SPring-8, Hyogo-ken, Japan
  A new type of rf elec­tron gun has been de­vel­oped to gen­er­ate a sta­ble elec­tron beam with a low-emit­tance of ~1 um.​rad, that can be in­jected into SX-FEL and DLSR, with­out using a large UV laser sys­tem nor an ul­tra-high volt­age pulsers. This elec­tron gun con­sists of a 50 kV pulsed gun equipped with a com­mer­cially avail­able thermionic cath­ode with grid and a 238-MHz ac­cel­er­a­tion cav­ity dri­ven by a 42 kW solid-state am­pli­fier. The sys­tem is sim­ple, sta­ble, ro­bust, and of easy-main­te­nance. To ob­tain a "grid-trans­par­ent" con­di­tion, the cath­ode volt­age and the con­trol grid volt­age are op­ti­mized not to dis­tort the elec­tric field near the grid. To avoid the emit­tance growth due to the space charge ef­fect, the gun and a spe­cial mag­netic lens are em­bed­ded in the 238-MHz cav­ity at the short­est dis­tance, and the beam en­ergy is im­me­di­ately ac­cel­er­ated to 500 kV. The first model of this elec­tron gun has been op­er­ated as the 1 GeV in­jec­tor of the New­SUB­ARU stor­age ring. The same elec­tron gun will also be used in the in­jec­tor linac of the 3 GeV light source under con­struc­tion in Japan. The talk is ex­pected to in­clude the con­cept, over­all de­sign and the achieved per­for­mance.  
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About • Received ※ 08 June 2022 — Revised ※ 17 June 2022 — Accepted ※ 19 June 2022 — Issue date ※ 23 June 2022
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