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@inproceedings{quentino:ipac2022-thpopt056, author = {J.V. Quentino and M.B. Alves and F.H. de Sá}, title = {{Emittance Exchange at Sirius Booster for Storage Ring Injection Improvement}}, booktitle = {Proc. IPAC'22}, % booktitle = {Proc. 13th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC'22)}, pages = {2722--2725}, eid = {THPOPT056}, language = {english}, keywords = {injection, emittance, booster, coupling, synchrotron}, venue = {Bangkok, Thailand}, series = {International Particle Accelerator Conference}, number = {13}, publisher = {JACoW Publishing, Geneva, Switzerland}, month = {07}, year = {2022}, issn = {2673-5490}, isbn = {978-3-95450-227-1}, doi = {10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2022-THPOPT056}, url = {https://jacow.org/ipac2022/papers/thpopt056.pdf}, abstract = {{SIRIUS is the new 4th generation storage ring based synchrotron light source built and operated by the Brazilian Synchrotron Light Laboratory (LNLS) at the Brazilian Center for Research in Energy and Materials (CNPEM). Currently, the efficiency of the horizontal off-axis injection system of the storage ring is still not suitable for top-up operation due to a smaller than expected horizontal dynamic aperture. In this work, we report the simulations and experimental results of transverse emittance exchange (TEE) performed at SIRIUS booster by crossing a coupling difference resonance during energy ramp, with the goal of decreasing the injected horizontal beam size and improve the off-axis injection efficiency.}}, }