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BiBTeX citation export for MOPOMS003: Single-Sided Pumped Compact Terahertz Driven Booster Accelerator

  author       = {T. Kroh and R. Bazrafshan and M. Fakhari and K. Kawase and F.X. Kärtner and N.H. Matlis and M. Pergament and T. Rohwer and M. Vahdani and D. Zhang},
% author       = {T. Kroh and R. Bazrafshan and M. Fakhari and K. Kawase and F.X. Kärtner and N.H. Matlis and others},
% author       = {T. Kroh and others},
  title        = {{Single-Sided Pumped Compact Terahertz Driven Booster Accelerator}},
  booktitle    = {Proc. IPAC'22},
% booktitle    = {Proc. 13th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC'22)},
  pages        = {625--627},
  eid          = {MOPOMS003},
  language     = {english},
  keywords     = {electron, booster, gun, acceleration, experiment},
  venue        = {Bangkok, Thailand},
  series       = {International Particle Accelerator Conference},
  number       = {13},
  publisher    = {JACoW Publishing, Geneva, Switzerland},
  month        = {07},
  year         = {2022},
  issn         = {2673-5490},
  isbn         = {978-3-95450-227-1},
  doi          = {10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2022-MOPOMS003},
  url          = {https://jacow.org/ipac2022/papers/mopoms003.pdf},
  abstract     = {{Scaling the RF-accelerator concept to terahertz (THz) frequencies brings several compelling advantages, including compactness, intrinsic timing between the photoemission and driving field sources, and high field gradients associated with the short THz wavelength and high breakdown threshold. Recent demonstrations of such THz powered accelerators relied on two counter-propagating single-cycle THz pulses. However, to achieve high energy gains in the acceleration process high energy THz pulses are needed which in turn require complex optical setups. Here, we present on the development of a matchbox sized multi-layered accelerator designed to boost the 50 keV output of a DC electron gun to energies of ~400 keV that only requires a single THz pulse to be powered. An integrated tunable mirror inside the structure interferes the front of the driving THz pulse with its rear part such that the field in the interaction region is optimized for efficient acceleration. This reduces the complexity of the required optical setup. Such a compact booster accelerator is very promising as electron source in ultrafast electron diffraction experiments and as booster stage prior to THz based LINACs.}},